Cherritos Green Coffee (For Weight-loss)

M.R.P: 160.00   Price: 160.00
50 gm

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Product Description:
Green coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee fruits, which are not roasted like the regular coffee. Green coffee beans have a higher amount of chlorogenic acid that has a variety of health benefits. The amount of this compound reduces as you roast the beans and make them like what we usually consume.
The chlorogenic acid in the coffee acts as an antioxidant, which aids weight loss, helps in controlling high blood pressure and in maintaining the blood sugar levels. Just like green tea, green coffee is also becoming popular for weight loss. Green coffee doesn’t include any milk or sugar.

- Weight Loss
- Regulates Blood Pressure
- Can Aid Diabetes Treatment
- Offers Anti-Ageing Properties
- Enhances Energy Levels


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